Results for 'Larissa Costa Beber Scherer'

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  1.  5
    Mal-estar de professores e pandemia: um espaço de escuta frente à morte na escola.Cristiana Carneiro, Mariana Scrinzi, Larissa Costa Beber Scherer & Lila Souza - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:295-308.
    Os tempos pandêmicos forçaram a escola em relação ao encontro com a morte. Cenas narradas ou encenadas convocaram os educadores a se confrontarem com os desdobramentos desse encontro disruptivo. Coube aos professores se ocuparem dos efeitos mortíferos produzidos pela pandemia de Covid-19. Diante da morte, o silêncio costuma ser uma saída e, em relação aos educadores, não saber sobre o que fazer com ela na escola produz mal-estar, pois educar supõe uma posição de saber a ser sustentada. A partir de (...)
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    Modernidade crítica e modernidade acrítica.Héctor Leis, Ilse Scherer-Warren & Sergio Costa (eds.) - 2001 - Florianópolis: Cidade Futura.
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    O pós-modernismo crítico pluralista, o modernismo e a minimal art: um debate em perspectiva.Larissa Ferreira Da Costa - 2021 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 20 (1).
    O artigo analisa a recontextualização da minimal art apresentada pelas teorias do pós-modernismo na arte. Especificamente, analisa o pluralismo crítico dos autores da revista October como Rosalind Krauss e Hal Foster, críticos que recontextualizam o minimalismo e a neovanguarda em direção às práticas do pós-modernismo. A partir dessa recontextualização, serão analisadas as contribuições da fenomenologia e do estruturalismo para o debate sobre a arte minimalista.
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    Nem Mestre, Nem Aprendiz... Dasein-Aprendiz.Larissa Alves de Oliveira, Felipe Costa Aguiar & Jeani Delgado Paschoal Moura - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):120-138.
    The books, lectures, and conferences of Martin Heidegger have contributed to various areas of knowledge, including Education. Although Heidegger does not have a primary concern with educational issues, his philosophical considerations help to contemplate the educational experience. In this article, we aim to study the curriculum as "placehood" through the phenomenological understanding of Dasein-learner as a way of inhabiting the school. This effort seeks to integrate elements of Heideggerian phenomenology into the debate on curriculum from a phenomenological geography perspective.
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    (1 other version)EEG beta suppression and low gamma modulation are different elements of human upright walking.Martin Seeber, Reinhold Scherer, Johanna Wagner, Teodoro Solis-Escalante & Gernot R. Mã¼Ller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    O jornal vida operária: instrumento de conscientização, mobilização e luta dos trabalhadores de Manaus.Luciano Everton Costa Teles - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (3).
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  7. Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences.David Sander & Klaus Scherer (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date, and easy-to-use, The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences is an indispensable resource for all who wish to find out about theories, concepts, methods, and research findings in this rapidly growing interdisciplinary field.
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  8. A modal ontology of properties for quantum mechanics.Newton Costa, Olimpia Lombardi & Mariano Lastiri - 2013 - Synthese 190 (17):3671-3693.
    Our purpose in this paper is to delineate an ontology for quantum mechanics that results adequate to the formalism of the theory. We will restrict our aim to the search of an ontology that expresses the conceptual content of the recently proposed modal-Hamiltonian interpretation, according to which the domain referred to by non-relativistic quantum mechanics is an ontology of properties. The usual strategy in the literature has been to focus on only one of the interpretive problems of the theory and (...)
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  9. Rawls on Liberty and Domination.M. Victoria Costa - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (4):397-413.
    One of the central elements of John Rawls’ argument in support of his two principles of justice is the intuitive normative ideal of citizens as free and equal. But taken in isolation, the claim that citizens are to be treated as free and equal is extremely indeterminate, and has virtually no clear implications for policy. In order to remedy this, the two principles of justice, together with the stipulation that citizens have basic interests in developing their moral capacities and pursuing (...)
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  10. Overclassical logic.Newton Ca da Costa & Jean-Yves Béziau - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 157:31-44.
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  11. Théories paraconsistantes des ensembles.Newton Ca da Costa & Jean-Yves Béziau - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 39:51-67.
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  12. Bonaventura Belluto da Catania (1603-1676) filosofo e teologo scotista dei Minori Conventuali.Francesco Costa - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (3-4):758-768.
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    Have Student Ethical Values Downturned Over the Last Quarter Century? Sikula & Adelmiro D. Costa - 1994 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 8 (2):29-37.
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    Les démons pèchent-ils toujours?Iacopo Costa - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 104 (3):441-463.
    L’article étudie les théories scolastiques de l’ obstinatio des démons chez certains théologiens de la seconde moitié du xiii e siècle et du début du xiv e. On analyse, en particulier, comment ces auteurs ont caractérisé l’état de la volonté des créatures damnées : contrairement à la volonté des viatores, qui peut être bonne ou mauvaise, et à la volonté des anges, qui ne peut plus pécher, la volonté des damnés se trouve dans la situation paradoxale de causer librement, entièrement (...)
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    Política, força e virtù em Maquiavel.Paulo H. S. Costa - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):89-99.
    Nosso objetivo, neste texto, será demonstrar que a noção de força, é, na verdade, uma noção de como a força pode ser tratada como uma atividade política. Nosso objetivo, nesse sentido, será demonstrar que, enquanto atividade política: força está amparada em diferentes possibilidades de uso e, principalmente, que força, no Príncipe, pode ser concebida como um exercício de virtù.
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  16. Studi e laureati nella Provincia OFM Conv. di Sicilia nella fase più acuta del giurisdizionalismo borbonico (1788-1815).F. Costa - 1988 - Miscellanea Francescana 88 (3-4):504-537.
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  17. Transcendence and Immanence in Anne Conway.Emanuele Costa - 2022 - In L. Bastos Andrade & Roberto Casales García, Dios y la filosofía. Una aproximación histórica al problema de la trascendencia. Tirant Humanidades.
    In this chapter, I examine the metaphysics elaborated by Viscountess Anne Finch Conway in the effort of determining the meaning she assigned to the notions of transcendence and immanence. In the Early Modern period, her philosophy is one of the most original attempts towards an integration of notions deriving from Lurianic Kabbalah and Sufism into debates stemming from the confrontation of mainstream Protestantism with its most heterodox cognates, such as Quakerism. Responding to these variegated influences, Conway elaborated a unique response (...)
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    The Fragility of Patriotism.M. Victoria Costa - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:9-12.
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  19. VATTIMO, G. Dopo la cristianita: per un cristanesimo non religioso. Milano: Garzanti, 2002.Claudio F. Costa - 2002 - Princípios 9 (11):252-256.
    Resenha do livro de: COLLIN, McGinn, The Making ofa Philosopher: My Journey through Twentieth-Centurv Philosophy. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. 241 paginas.
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  20. Whitehead y la función de la razón.Margarita Costa - 1969 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 9 (12):283.
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  21. Panorama da história da filosofia no Brasil.João Cruz Costa - 1960 - São Paulo,: Editôra Cultrix.
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    A função da imitação no projeto educativo da República e a questão do estilo imitativo dos diálogos de Platão.Guilherme da Costa Assunção Cecílio - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):943-957.
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    A note on temporal logic.Newton da Costa & Steven French - 1989 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 18 (2):51-55.
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  24. A presença de Heidegger em Portugal: o pensar como Re-memoraçao.Adelaide María Pacheco Millán da Costa - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (4):1203-1228.
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    A reconstrução da fé no enfrentamento do luto: teologia e psicologia em diálogo.Ana Paula Reis da Costa - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (41):200-201.
    This research aims at a dialogue between Theology and Psychology in order to understand the Catholic faith and their possible mobilization within the psychic processo of assimilation and elaboration of mourning, using the clinical history of two Catholic bereaved patients followed up in psychoterapy in their first years of bereavement as a concrete object of analysis in a longitudinal study. The Project is part of a historical and philosophical literature on death and then supplies from the contribuitions of Jurgen Moltmann (...)
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    Fazendo Nuvens Com Docentes e Estudantes Em Meio À Pandemia.Luciano Bedin da Costa & Tatiele Mesquita Corrêa - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20.
    O presente ensaio apresenta os resultados de uma dissertação de mestrado defendida no programa de pós-graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Realizada entre os anos de 2020 e 2022, em meio à eclosão da pandemia de Covid-19, a pesquisa acompanhou a realização do projeto de extensão Carta ao mundo de que vem, que visou a construção de uma carta coletiva, envolvendo estudantes e docentes de escolas de educação infantil e ensino fundamental (...)
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  27. Gödel Incompleteness in Analysis, with an Application to the Forecasting Proble..Newton da Costa & Francisco Doria - 1994 - Philosophia Naturalis 31:25-62.
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    Las definiciones de las siete artes liberales y mecánicas en la obra de Ramón Llull.Ricardo da Costa - 2006 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 23:131-164.
    Parte de un trabajo de investigación post-doctoral realizado en 2005 en la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona) con beca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, este artículo analiza las definiciones y clasificaciones de las siete artes liberales y mecánicas en las siguientes obras del filósofo Ramón Llull: el Libre de contemplació en Déu (1274-1276), la Doctrina pueril (c. 1274) y el Arbre de ciencia (1295-1296).
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    Les risques de la symbolisation du mal. Essai de confrontation entre La Symbolique du mal et La Littérature et le mal.Cristina Henrique da Costa - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (2):52-69.
    Cet article compare deux livres majeurs : La Symbolique du mal, de Paul Ricœur et La Littérature et le mal, de Georges Bataille. L’articulation de ces deux penseurs que tout semble opposer répond à l’espoir de dégager une forme de compatibilité productive entre eux à travers leur intérêt commun pour le langage du mal. On insistera tout d’abord sur Ricœur : c’est en reconnaissant que le dire de l’expérience du mal passe d’abord nécessairement par un langage symbolique qu’il nous permet (...)
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  30. Maternidade, prisão e direitos humanos.Anália da Silva Barbosa E. Marina Amoedo da Costa - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto, Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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    O ensino religioso nas fronteiras do diálogo inter-religioso.Wander Moreira da Costa - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3):105-115.
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    (1 other version)Paraconsistency.Newton C. A. Da Costa - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):119-145.
    In this expository paper, we examine some philosophical and technical issues brought by paraconsistency (such as, motivations for developing a paraconsistent logic, the nature of this logic, and its application to set theory). We also suggest a way of accommodating these issues by considering some problems in the philosophy of logic from a new perspective.
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    Road Running as a Designed Experience.Filipe Campello Xavier da Costa & Celso Carnos Scaletsky - 2013 - Design Philosophy Papers 11 (1):51-63.
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    Two questions on the geometry of gauge fields.N. C. A. da Costa, F. A. Doria, A. F. Furtado-do-Amaral & J. A. de Barros - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (5):783-800.
    We first show that a theorem by Cartan that generalizes the Frobenius integrability theorem allows us (given certain conditions) to obtain noncurvature solutions for the differential Bianchi conditions and for higher-degree similar relations. We then prove that there is no algorithmic procedure to determine, for a reasonable restricted algebra of functions on spacetime, whether a given connection form satisfies the preceding conditions. A parallel result gives a version of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem within an (axiomatized) theory of gauge fields.
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  35. Um tratado biográfico renascentista: El de scribendis virorum illustrium vittis sermo de Giovanni Antonio.Américo da Costa Ramalho - 2001 - Humanitas 53:337-342.
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  36. O surgimento do estado – de Hobbes a Marx: Uma questão filosófica.Beatriz Costa Rodrigues Farias - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (1):147-165.
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  37. Crónica.José Gama, Marcos Roberto Nunes Costa, Maria Luísa Couto Soares, Nuno Venturinha, Luís Machado de Abreu & Fernando Aranda Fraga - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):633-647.
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  38. Descontínua história fotográfica: São Pedro memória e esquecimento.P. Kirst & G. Costa - 2005 - Episteme 20.
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    Les Innovations du Vocabulaire Latin à la Fin du Moyen Âge: Autour du Glossaire du Latin Philosophique: Actes de la Journée d'Étude du 15 Mai 2008.Olga Weijers, Iacopo Costa & Adriano Oliva (eds.) - 2010 - Brepols Publishers.
    Le Glossaire du latin philosophique est un fichier d'environ 230.000 à 260.000 fiches consacré au vocabulaire philosophique du moyen âge. Une équipe du CNRS, au départ sous la direction de Pierre Michaud-Quantin, y a travaillé durant de nombreuses années. Récemment, il a été transporté de la Sorbonne à l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, où il est désormais consultable à la Section latine. À l'occasion de l'arrivée du Glossaire du latin philosophique à l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (...)
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    Disruption and dislocation in post-COVID futures for digital health.Alessia Costa & Richard Milne - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In this piece we explore the COVID pandemic as an opportunity for the articulation and realization of digital health futures. Our discussion draws on an engagement with emergent discourse around COVID-19 and ongoing work on imaginaries of future care associated with digital tools for the detection of cognitive decline and the risk of dementia. We describe how the post-COVID futures of digital health are narrated in terms of the timing and speed with which they are being brought into being, as (...)
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  41. Personality and emotion.William Revelle & Klaus R. Scherer - 2009 - In David Sander & Klaus Scherer, Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 304--306.
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    Paraconsistent logic.Newton da Costa & Otávio Bueno - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno, A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 215–229.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Paraconsistent Logic and Latin America Thinking about Logic The Nature of Paraconsistent Logic A History of Paraconsistent Logic Philosophical Aspects of Paraconsistent Logic References Further Reading.
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    A model theoretic approach to 'natural' reasoning.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (2):177-190.
    Abstract A general framework is proposed for accommodating the recent results of studies into ?natural? decision making. A crucial element of this framework is the notion of a ?partial structure?, recently introduced into the semantic approach to scientific theories. It is through the introduction of this element that connections can be made with certain problems regarding inconsistency and rationality in general.
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    Automating petition classification in Brazil’s legal system: a two-step deep learning approach.Yuri D. R. Costa, Hugo Oliveira, Valério Nogueira, Lucas Massa, Xu Yang, Adriano Barbosa, Krerley Oliveira & Thales Vieira - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law.
    Automated classification of legal documents has been the subject of extensive research in recent years. However, this is still a challenging task for long documents, since it is difficult for a model to identify the most relevant information for classification. In this paper, we propose a two-stage supervised learning approach for the classification of petitions, a type of legal document that requests a court order. The proposed approach is based on a word-level encoder–decoder Seq2Seq deep neural network, such as a (...)
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    Hume and Causal Inference.Michael J. Costa - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (2):141-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:141 HUME AND CAUSAL INFERENCE Hume held that any time we reach by inference a belief about the existence or qualities of some object or event that we have not actually perceived, the inference is grounded in beliefs about causal relations holding between the object of belief and some other object or objects that have actually been experienced. I will examine here Hume's account of such causal inferences. There (...)
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    Fast and frugal heuristics: rationality and the limits of naturalism.Horacio Arló-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - 2013 - Synthese 190 (5):831-850.
    Gerd Gigerenzer and Thomas Sturm have recently proposed a modest form of what they describe as a normative, ecological and limited naturalism. The basic move in their argument is to infer that certain heuristics we tend to use should be used in the right ecological setting. To address this argument, we first consider the case of a concrete heuristic called Take the Best (TTB). There are at least two variants of the heuristic which we study by making explicit the choice (...)
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    Wired for Despair The Neurochemistry of Emotion and the Phenomenology of Depression.Philip Gerrans & Klaus Scherer - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    Although depression is characterized as a mood disorder it turns out that, like moods in general, it cannot be explained independently of a theory of emotion. In this paper I outline one promising theory of emotion and show how it deals with the phenomenon of depressive mood. An important aspect of MAT is the role it assigns to peripheral information processing systems in setting up emotional responses. The operations of these systems are automatic and opaque to consciousness, but they represent (...)
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    An oncospace for human cancers.Guim Aguadé-Gorgorió, José Costa & Ricard Solé - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (5):2200215.
    Human cancers comprise an heterogeneous array of diseases with different progression patterns and responses to therapy. However, they all develop within a host context that constrains their natural history. Since it occurs across the diversity of organisms, one can conjecture that there is order in the cancer multiverse. Is there a way to capture the broad range of tumor types within a space of the possible? Here we define the oncospace, a coordinate system that integrates the ecological, evolutionary and developmental (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Preference: A Transmodal Validation Study.Henrique T. Akiba, Marcelo F. Costa, July S. Gomes, Eduardo Oda, Paula B. Simurro & Alvaro M. Dias - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  50. Kant: critica e história.Abrahão Costa Andrade - 2002 - Princípios 9 (11):126-144.
    O presente texto visa abordar a pertinência crítica da filosofia kantiana da história tentando assinalar o lugar transcendental da noçáo de fio condutor da natureza, para nós urn princípio regulativo passível de ser usado pelo discurso filosófico da história, que por isso náo se toma urn conhecimento teórico, mas nem por isso deixa de ser uma espécie de conhecimento, de cunho prático.
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